Common Questions about Coffee and Espresso

What is third wave coffee ?

The term "third wave coffee" refers to a movement that emerged in the coffee industry, emphasizing high-quality, artisanal, and specialty coffee. ...

What are some hacks for runners using coffee?

Coffee can be a valuable tool for runners, offering a natural boost of energy and potential performance-enhancing benefits. Here are some "hacks" ...

Is bubble tea good or bad for you?

Whether bubble tea is considered "good" or "bad" for you depends on various factors, including the ingredients used, portion size, and individual ...

whats the difference between aeropress and an espresso?

While both the AeroPress and espresso involve the use of pressure to extract coffee, there are significant differences between the two methods. Her...

What bubble tea should I get for the first time?

For your first time trying bubble tea, it's a good idea to start with a classic flavor that appeals to a wide range of tastes. Here are a few popu...

Is an espresso shot just strong coffee?

An espresso shot is not just strong coffee; it is a concentrated coffee beverage with a distinct brewing method and flavor profile. While both esp...

Is coffee good for runners?

Yes, coffee can be beneficial for runners when consumed in moderation. Here are several reasons why coffee can be good for runners: Performance ...

What is considered specialty coffee?

Specialty coffee refers to high-quality coffee that is carefully produced, processed, and brewed to highlight the unique characteristics of the co...

Facts about coffee I didn't know?

Here are some interesting facts about coffee that you might find intriguing: Origin: Coffee originated in Ethiopia, where it is said to have bee...

Is caffeine bad for runners?

Caffeine is not inherently "bad" for runners, and in fact, it can offer several performance-enhancing benefits when consumed in moderation. Howeve...

Is espresso stronger then coffee?

Is espresso stronger then coffee? The term "stronger" can have different meanings when comparing espresso and regular coffee.

What makes good coffee good?

Several factors contribute to making good coffee: Quality Beans: Good coffee starts with high-quality beans. This includes factors such as the b...